Had Just Had Enough of...
Those So
called Weight Loss "Experts" Who's Scams Left Me Still
Fat, Frustrated and Down Right Pissed Off... So
I Flipped Them "The Bird" Did Some Research And Uncovered A Simple
Natural Molecule
That Melts Fat And Reveals Muscle In As Little As 26 Days!
“Discover The
To How YOU Can
Finally Get Redemption From ALL
The Weight Loss Scams And Unscrupulous Diet Programs Full Of
Empty Promises And Finally See INCREDIBLE
Weight Loss Results Using The Same Program That Helped Me Drop 46
Pounds Of
Ugly, Unwanted Fat…”
why I’m Convinced the Same Could Happen to You Too!
on to discover how a updated 60 year-old weight loss secret can help
practically ANYONE drop weight QUICKLY without
typical hunger pains and headaches associated with ‘binge’
been using the program for 3 weeks now and I'm already down 29 pounds! I couldn’t believe my eyes!
My strength and overall fitness
level have really amazed
me and I feel ten years younger. I turn 37 next week but I have never
felt so this good in my entire life!! Thank
you so much Colin!”
New York
name is Colin F. Watson. In the next few minutes,
I'm going to share with you a very painful and personal story about me
and my weight loss struggles, and feeling stuck in a body I could not stand to look at.
I’m a
person just like you. I enjoy sports,
my wife and family, and I’m now being semi-retired
my life more than ever.
a little over two years ago...there’s something that was sucking
the joy out of my very existence…
morning when I got out of the shower, it was like reliving a nightmare
that repeated itself day in and day out. I
really did not like the image I was forced to look at everyday.
me be REALLY honest… I HATED that image.
My wife always told me I was a handsome
but her words fell on deaf ears because they did not match what I saw
in the
was so CONSUMED by how horrible I looked and felt, I
wouldn’t even allow my own wife’s loving
words cheer me up. I felt myself slowly
hiding from the world…
hated the way my body looked so much, I’m sorry to say that it
spilled over into
our love life! Because every time I
walked past a mirror, I hated what I saw.
it didn’t matter if I was wearing clothes or not.
At times, I'd even make up “stories”
put off intimacy so I
could avoid the feeling of shame that accompanied the site of myself in
my birthday suit.
to say, I was DESPERATE
to lose weight. You see, I was once
an “athlete” and in pretty good shape.
In what seemed to be a blink of the eye I went from being this strong
confident, and sexy guy, to a
middle aged bald guy who packed on over 40 pounds of fat
and was now, overweight, out of shape, with a
pot belly.
Not-to-mention my health was slowly
and progressively getting worse. I’d had
pressure since I was 20 years old, and and a family history of
Diabetes, Heart disease, and Cancer. My doctor once told
only one bad decision from being an
overweight Diabetic –
you can see, I wasn’t living my
“ideal” life. I was
blessed to meet my beautiful wife Jayne; because she
didn’t see the fat, unattractive
shell of a man
I’d become. Jayne loved me for who I
and it was great. But…
I could not get past my
own body image which was causing our relationship to SUFFER…
couldn’t enjoy athletics or sports (unless I was watching them)
because of the pain in my back and joints; and living 50
feet from the beach... My dream home suddenly became my prison.
Going to
the beach with my family and
taking my shirt off was simply out of the question.
I refused to embarrass myself OR
my family.
But truth
be told... I wasn’t going to
embarrass anyone… I just could find ANY grace for myself and the
way I looked!
you can relate?
you imagine what it
feels like to:
go from college "athlete" to that fat middle-aged bald guy?
a body that once turned heads turn to "moosh"...Feeling so
unattractive, you won’t even accept compliments - from your
your eyes ‘well up with tears’ because you stepped out of
shower and looked at your reflection in the mirror?
willing to forego ‘intimacy’ --
because you feel
to embarrassed to get undressed in front your spouse?
to lose weight over and over again -- but
winded up looking worse and feeling more
disheartened than you have before?
hundreds, even thousands of dollars on pointless
supplements packaged foods, powders and fitness equipment… and
none of it helps you
lose more than a few POUNDS?
Was So DESPERATE and Willing
to Try Anything To Help Me Lose The Weight.
tried EVERYTHING... I tried the Adkins
diet, Nutri Systems, Weight Watchers, the South Beach Diet, the
Hollywood Diet,
even the Cabbage Soup Diet -- but to no avail.
went to those Satanic ‘spinning’
classes, kick boxing, and heck -- I even tried Zumba!
(and let me tell you…being an
with a huge gut twisting his hips to salsa music made me feel even
more pathetic…)
tried practically everything I could to
lose weight. But soon I realized that I
had been
set up for FAILURE from the very beginning!
#1 Lie That Keeps You Overweight and Unhappy…
As I
was going through my ‘trials’, there
was always one question that bugged me.
is it that some people can eat anything they want…yet stay
as skinny as a
nagging question kept me up at night
– the answer became my new obsession... I asked myself this
question over and over again. So to
curiosity, I researched it.
What I discovered…BLEW MY MIND!!
of all, no matter what diet you
use, if it doesn't’t deal with the REAL reason you’re
overweight it's going to fail. Most diets
are ‘quick-fixes’. They’re
only designed to deal with burning structural fat -the good fat- the
layer’ of fat that’s just below the skin – not the
huge abnormal fat deposits around
your stomach, hips and butt that contribute to the entire problem.
diets fail to truly help the underlying
FAT BANK that are stuck in your body like a VAULT.
Not even the most advanced diet will
help you access this fat
bank and burn those
calories as fuel.
matter what diet you follow or no
matter how intense the exercise program you follow…
WILL NOT lose weight following a
typical diet!
already know this to be
true! It doesn’t
matter if you:
· Cut
· Eat
vegetables for a week
· Cut
out sugars for a month
· Or
go to the gym RELIGIOUSLY 3x’s a week
simply won’t lose any REAL

you can imagine, this news was devastating to me when I read it. I mean, here it was in “black
and white”
that with most diets your already DOOMED to fail. So
now, not only
was I depressed about my body, from what I was reading the
outcome didn't look promising.
didn’t last long. Because what I
found next…
my life forever.
Turning Point In My Life That Allowed Me To Drop 30 MIND-BLOWING Pounds
of Fat
In An Astonishing 26 Days!!
my research, I ran across a subject that touted itself as the
“surefire cure
for obesity”. Now, because I was a
complete skeptic, I initially blew it off. But
my curiosity got the best of me. I simply
couldn't let it go. Again, you have to
realize how desperate
I was.
I took a long, hard look at the research and what I found
actually made allot of sense to me. I
say this
because a lot of the question I had and the issues that I struggled
with were finally
address and answered for the first
I came across was some information about a doctor named A.T.W.
Simeons. What he discovered, is what I
like to call the
“holy grail” of weight loss protocols.
divulged was the secret behind a compound called (human
chorionic gonadotropin). What The molecule
does is
allow your body to work like a fat burning machine at an
optimal level without any conscious input from us!
discovered the power of this molecule completely by
“accident.” You see, this
amino peptide molecule was found to have
tendencies, meaning that one of its many purposes is to
promote genital development.
although it was known to to help provide nutrients to the unborn fetus
while in the womb... It was originally used as a
treatment for
young boys who weren’t maturing as fast as their peers due
to pituitary gland
there was an interesting side-effect in the boys who
treated with this amino peptide. He
noticed these
boys were also losing excess body fat, reduced apatite, and eat MUCH
less than other
– and ALL without
the typical hunger pains that are
associated with
restricted calorie diets!!
prompted further research and prompted the witting of the now
infamous Pounds and Inches report; and the use of HCG as a weight
cure… This
prompted MY curiosity so, after giving
it some much needed thought, I decided to try the protocol.
needless to say – I was AMAZED
at the results!
Wound Up Going From Overweight and Flabby to Tight, and Toned, for the
time in twenty years. I finally could imagine becoming RIPPED again…and
being HAPPY with my Body!!
couldn’t believe my eyes! I was
amazed at how friggin’ easy this
was! Here I was – struggling day-in
day-out, month-in and month-out…and here was the cure I’d
been looking for!
shirt began to feel
tighter in the arms and chest, while my pants were getting looser...I
could finally button my jeans, and my ‘gut’ was
getting smaller every
my wife Jayne decided to join me in
this experiment. And for the first time in
her life she was in a size two. We both experienced AMAZING results!
even then – I wasn’t ‘completely’
thought to myself, “What would
happen if I added a SIMPLE
BUT EFFECT workout program to this?”
had nothing to lose, right?
decided to take the HCG diet and
combine it with a well-researched, and well-thought out workout plan. But not just any plan…
much as I wanted to lose
weight, I HATED thought of hitting the gym in my present condition. Because of how I looked and because I had
such little success with
working out for weight loss purposes in the past, I just didn’t
want to do it. So if I was going
choose to work
out, it
was going to have to be short, quick, and produce fast results! I wasn’t going to waste two and a
half hours
in the gym – no way-no how.
what I decided on is a quick, yet highly-effective workout that would
than 45 mins (it actually wound up being under 30 mins).
I must tell you…I had no idea how
effective this program would be. I
didn’t know if it would work or not!
tested it out on myself and…
the results were JAW-DROPPING!!

this… to
my transformation, I realized I was onto something BIG.
But I didn’t realize HOW big until
people who
had known me all my life started asking me questions.
in the heck are you doing?”
did you drop so much weight so
I told them what I had done. And because
I kept such detailed journals about my journey, including my workouts,
it was
like I was giving them a complete, done-for-you workout system.
they began to start experiencing
incredible results too! Soon, word spread
like wildfire. Jayne and I not only
began to look at what worked so well for us, but we began to
‘refine’ the
went over EVERYTHING – our diet, the sequence of exercises, the
order, the
frequency – everything. No detail
because Jayne and I did experienced incredible results together, we had
information for BOTH MEN AND WOMEN.
just like our story, when other
people put it to the test, they had AMAZING results as well!

I was DONE with dieting. But I decided to
give you system a ‘try’. By
following your HCG Body for Life Fat Loss System, I have totally
changed how I look and feel. I have lost 158 pounds in two 43 days
cycles, and have kept the weight off. I am doing one more cycle to get
my six pack :).
friends are now asking questions about my new look! I have tried all
sorts of diet and fitness books in the past 5 years but nothing
has worked so well for me as your HCG Body for Life Weight Loss
System. I am now passing on my secrets to my friends and family and
anyone else who will listen. I can't thank you enough."
Miami, FL
Pounds in 43 Days!!”
lost 38 pounds in 43 days with your How To Feel Good Naked In 26 Days
System. Colin, thanks for all your help man! I have not
looked and felt this good in years. I
can't tell you how much this transformation has done for me. I'm
telling everyone I know about your HCG system. Thanks again!
how I’m feeling…and LOOKING!”
might as well give you an update on my status. Currently
I'm on R1P2VLCD37. I’ve lost 36 lbs! My pants actually fit again! I'm only 2.4lbs
from my 1st goal. I plan to exceed my goal by another 5-10 pounds. I
should be on P3 in about 12 days. I skipped dosing on Sundays, so I
have 5 extra days to finish this last batch of sub-lingual HCG I mixed
this past Sunday. If I could stabilize at a lower weight than I
originally planned, that would be great! Like you said on your radio
show May 12th, with HCG, you can see what's possible and it makes you
want to go farther. That is a very true statement. Instead of a final
goal weight of 175, I think I'm gonna drop it to 165. Now, 165 seems
I am so happy with my results. I've been true to the protocol. It
really has been virtually effortless. I had my mind made up when I
began this journey that I was gonna make it work, and it has.
Thanks Colin for your encouragement. All of us who read your blogs,
watch your Vlogs on YouTube (oh yeah…it’s about time for
you to drop another video) and now listen your radio program…we
really appreciate what you do. Miracles & Blessings and continued
you so much Colin. I am 22 lbs lighter than I was a month and a
half ago and I have 25 lbs to go. I promise to stay in touch, and
thank you again for the wonderful
difference you have made in my life.
-Big hugs,

you can see, our “ace
in the hole” wasn’t just creating another weight loss
system. The world doesn’t need
another one of
what we’ve created is an easy, powerful, step-by-step
system that systematically helps you lose weight faster.
And by using our system, we not only
you keep it off, but this system also allows you to:
· Effectively
drop weight DAY-BY-DAY without experiencing
any of the hunger pains typically associated with dieting!
· See
inches disappear from your waist, hips, and thighs -
within the first 4 days!
· Stop
struggling with calorie-counting and other failed
methods of weight loss - we’ll show precisely what to do so
you’ll never go
over your caloric limit
· Discover
the best, easiest, and most effective fat-burning
exercise routine to date - and it only takes 20 minutes…three
times per week!
· Drop
weight faster than you ever thought possible - even
if you have struggled with bad genetics!
· And
Possibly the fastest ‘kick-butt’ workout I’ve ever
lots 26.4 lbs, 16.2 inches, 6% body fat and gained 3% muscle mass. It's amazing
what losing 26lbs of fat can do for your shape! Your How To Feel
Good Naked In 26 Days Fat Loss System works Great!!!!! "I wish I
had this
information 10 years ago, I have never felt better and I’ve
never gotten so many compliments on my body! And
having an effective, kick-butt workout done in under 30
minutes is perfect for my busy lifestyle."

photos taken during ONE cycle of the protocol program!)
- Michelle
You Can Have the Same, or Even BETTER Results on the How To Feel Good
Naked In 26 Days “Miracle” Fat Loss System!

Here’s what the HCG weight loss
program is NOT:
HCG “Body for Life” Miracle weight loss system isn’t
a bunch of
pills you have to choke down, or hours of insane cardio.
certainly not an over sized gadget you have to lug into your house via
none of
a simple, easy-to-follow diet and
workout plan that will quickly help you drop those ugly pounds you
dramatically improve your physique and have you loving the way you feel!
gone over the research from Dr. Simeons and refined it into an
incredible weight loss system that will help anyone lose weight FAST
regardless of their background or genetic hurdles…
if you’re nervous about seeing
yourself in the mirror right after you get out of the shower!
As a
fitness and group exercise instructor for more that 13 years, this is
one of the best total body weight loss and fitness programs I have seen
building a lean toned body. In just 15 days I have already lost 15lbs
and feel great (I
look leaner and feel better!). The HTFGN-26 day cycle ROCKS!
look forward to getting on the scale every morning to see how much body
fat I've lost… and, the Max-26 (6 minute workout kick-starts my
day...) I highly recommend this program for anyone looking to lose just
a few pounds like me, or who wants a complete body transformation. "In
as little as 26 days, ANYONE can look and
feel their very best!"
- Jayne
Hermosa Beach, CA

let’s look and see what you get when
you order the entire How To Feel Good Naked In 26 Days
“Miracle” Weight
Loss System:
you get the entire How To Feel Good Naked In 26 Days Weight loss system!

complete, fact-filled workout and
nutrition program designed to help you get SUPERIOR results
in no time flat. This
complete program will help you get results the first week of your
program - even
if you haven’t worked out in MONTHS!
is the exact system that me, Jayne,
and countless others who were struggling with their weight are using
to transform their bodies. This system
will steer you clear of fad diets that don’t work.
You’ll avoid all the
‘typical’ pitfalls that
trap you in the unfair world of doomed dieting.
now, you can get your hands on the
system that’ll not only change your body, fitness level, and
overall health -- but your life as well!
system starts you out with the fool proof step-by-step building
blocks to put you on the right path to losing fat FAST.
Starting with:
Principles Of The How To Feel Good Naked In 26 Days Fat Loss System and
Fast Start
Guide ($97

this easy start guide, you’ll
get 107 pages packed full of ALL the secrets to our
rapid fat loss transformation
that will give you the basics and key never
released information to ensure your How To Feel Good Naked In 26
Days Diet
workout system succeeds! And if you
think that’s good, you haven’t seen anything yet. Because you’re also going to get our
(MAX-26 min)
workout video tutorials to show you precisely what exercises you should
doing, and HOW to perform them for maximum results!
see, this program is the “holy
grail” of fat loss you’ve been waiting for. In it, you’ll
discover things like:
· The
exact combination of exercises, repetitions, and rest periods
you’ll need to transform your body with in as little as 60
minutes - PER WEEK
· How
to train effectively so you avoid burnout, over training - and most
importantly ‘under training’
· Why
almost everyone misses the ‘critical element’ of real
fat loss, and
how HCG solves this problem that 99% of personal trainers DON’T
· The
fastest way to burn fat through eating ALONE
· How
to put together an easy eating plan that ensures you don’t
on calories or starve yourself
· The
most effective combination of ‘specific’ exercises that
will help
you melt down your problem areas -- FAST
· The
single biggest hurdle to fat loss - and how our HCG fat loss system
this hurdle practically ‘invisible’
· Simple
- sometimes even ‘illogical’ way to eat what you want, when
want - and NEVER gain the weight back
· How
to get rid of those ‘pesky’ diet headaches you typically
get from
restricting calories, carbs, and the likes
· End
the frustration of dealing with the weakness, dizziness, or lack
of energy - FINALLY have the energy you’ve always missed while
dieting and
still get the results you’re after
· Two
‘magic’ little exercises that’ll trim fat off your
hips and thighs
like a hot knife goes through butter
· No
more mood swings or uncontrollable food cravings!
· The
“can’t miss” way to drop unwanted pounds from your
waist - without
spending HUNDREDS on ab gadgets
· The
‘insider secrets’ to eating whatever you want - without
off your diet
· The
demystifying truth about cardio - and how it’ll truly help you
burn fat in the long run
· Clear
and straight-forward advice about dieting - and why the wrong
advice will keep you overweight and unhappy
· The
honest, no “bull crap” truth about fat loss and why so many
personal trainers are actually making their clients FAT with their
· Why
you live and die not by your workout - but what you do outside of
the gym
· The
super-intense “insider” secrets of the most effective
method of
supersetting (and why this method is more effective than 75% of the
‘so-called’ fat-burning workouts EVER)
· And
guess what - that’s not even scratching the surface!!

system is so powerful, most
people report seeing results within the first 96 hours! Never before has there been a weight loss
system this powerful, or this effective.
this is the system that has changed the life of my wife, me, and
thousands of
others who might be frustrated with the way they feel about their body. If you’re one of those people, THIS is
program you want to try before you waste time on another diet.
simply can’t fail on this program! But
as effective as this program is, I
want to ensure you get
your hands
on it immediately. You deserve to know
the truth about weight loss and how you can make it happen for you.
biggest secret to losing weight is
not simply working out. You’ve got
ensure your diet is right to get maximum results. The
problem is, most diet program fail to
prepare you for eating in the REAL WORLD. This
is why most people on weight loss
television shows can drop the weight during filming, but as soon as
they go
back home they wind up gaining it all back. We
understand this and we don’t
want it to happen to you.
why we’ve given you an exact
roadmap to follow when it comes to eating so you simply CAN’T
fail. Every single lesson and recipe are
down to the simplest form so you won’t miss a thing.
It doesn’t matter if you’re
a beginner or an
advanced trainer - we’ve developed an eating plan for EVERY
you can own the entire How To Feel Good Naked In 26 Days System
TODAY for less than you might think.
when you get your results in
less than 30 days, that’s less than $4 per day!
You Should Order This System IMMEDIATELY
see, I know how effective this system
is. It’s taken me from flabby,
overweight, and self-conscious and transformed my life in ways you
imagine. I’ve witnessed my
wife’s life
change right before my very eyes, and we’ve seen changes in the
lives the
countless individuals we’ve helped with this system.
I want to make sure you are able to
get your hands on this system TODAY with no hesitation.
That’s why…
You Order Today, You’re Also Covered By My Amazing,
No-Weasel-Clause, Complete,
‘No-Questions-Asked’ Money Back GUARANTEE!
know what it’s like to be taken
advantage of. I know what it’s like
buy a weight loss system, and wait forever and a day to
‘attempt’ to get your
money back. It’s easier to get blood
from a stone with many weight loss companies out there, so we want to
make sure
that it doesn’t happen to you.

what this means:
you order How To Feel Good Naked In 26 Days
“Miracle” Fat Loss System today, I want you to try it out
for the next 60
DAYS. Try the recipes, the workouts,
so confident that you’re going to
love how this system makes you look that I want to take ALL the risk
you. So, if there’s anything you
like about this program, all you have to do is email me and
you’ll get your
money back - NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
if you don’t like the plan, the
workouts, the eating plan - ANYTHING…simply email me and
I’ll give your money
as you can see, there’s no reason why
you shouldn’t order right now and take advantage of this program. Simply click below and let’s get started
creating the body you’ve always deserved.

look forward to serving you,

P.S. -
Remember, if you order right now, you get $301 worth of incredible
fat-loss information for less than a cup of Starbucks per day. Simply order now and get started on the right
track to losing as much weight as you’ll always wanted - and KEEP
it off!
P.P.S. -
If you’re skeptical, I can understand. I
haven’t seen dramatic weight loss results
like this in my life either. But
the thing - I’ve DONE it. I’ve
it. All because I took a chance and took
a different course. You can do the same
thing RIGHT NOW. All you have to do is
order right now and get started.
P.P.P.S. -
Remember, you have a full 60 DAYS to try the program out.
If you’re not happy with it,
you’ll get a
full and complete refund - NO QUESTION ASKED. So
why wait? Simply click here
to order now
and get started.